7:00 - 7:30pm: General Chapter Business
7:30 - 8:30pm: Presentation: Managing Difficult Clients with Clear Boundaries
8:30 - 9:00pm: Breakout rooms: Ask the Expert, Chat with Speaker, Networking

Managing Difficult Clients
with Clear Boundaries
Presented by Lauren Mang
CEO & Founder, Let Me Organize It
2022 Boundaries Handout WDC.pdf
About the event
Whether you're new to the organizing profession or a seasoned veteran, we all run into difficult clients and agonize over dealing with them in a kind but firm manner. Identifying, setting, and maintaining clear boundaries is key. In this session, we'll examine several new case studies and attendees will participate on how they would handle the situation. I'll reveal how I handled each situation, highlighting what to do, what not to do, and how to implement those clear boundaries!
About the speaker
As a compassionate, kind, and mindful organizer with a focus on holistic organizing, Lauren helps clients discover the FUN in the fundamentals of organizing. After a decade in the Fine Arts industry, living in New York, London, and Los Angeles, she relocated to San Francisco, started Let Me Organize It and joined NAPO in 2014.
Lauren has held many volunteer roles through NAPO National and her local chapter. Lauren earned her CVPO™ in 2020 through Sheila Delson's program and her CPO® in 2021.
Lauren's other professional interests include public speaking, local volunteer opportunities, and continuing to improve on those boundaries in all her relationships. When she's not working -- and who are we kidding, she's always working -- she can be found distracting herself on Instagram or with her guilty pleasure, binge watching anything on Bravo!