by Janet Schiesl
Basic Organization
How do you stay productive? Most of us have a system in place when we need to get focused to complete a task.
Some of us use a steady approach, while others wait until the last minute. Either way, I’m sure you’re able to complete your tasks. However, less stress is the name of the game. The team at Basic Organization would like to share how we stay productive and relieve some of your stress. Let’s find ways to become more productive.
Janet– “When I want to create a new habit, I find it much easier to succeed by tying it to an already established routine.
Years ago, I decided that to encourage my family to put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher, I had to solve the issue of the “I didn’t know if it was clean or dirty” excuse. I decided that the dishwasher would run every day in the evening. Then, I tied the tasks of emptying the dishwasher to my making coffee in the morning. Can you empty a dishwasher at the same time it takes a Keurig to brew one cup of joe? I tied emptying the dishwasher with making my morning coffee. I now had a focus for the brewing time. Instead of wasting that time scrolling on my phone, I got something done. The success was that there was no reason for anyone not to load dirty dishes in the machine – saving me time!”
Patti-“I make lists and use the bullet journal method religiously.” Do you use a paper or digital journal? Check out her fun video explaining why she loves her paper.
“When you return to your project, you will feel refreshed and ready to begin again.”
Denene-‘I am a big proponent of using 4×6 ruled Post-It Notes to stay on task. Each night, I list the appointments and tasks I have to complete the following day, putting them in order by the time of day I would like to complete them. The next day, I refer to the list and start checking things off. It’s easy to take the list with me wherever I go and even stick it on the dashboard of my car so I can stay on task while I’m out and about. The 4×6 Post-It is the perfect size – just enough space for my day but not too much space to overwhelm me. Writing out my daily to-do’s and appointments on the Post-It the night before cements it and helps me visualize my day.”
Sandy-‘Staying on task and productive with decluttering and organization requires a clear and structured approach. It is most effective to write down what I want to accomplish, whether it’s an ongoing list, a weekly plan, or a to-do list made the night before, if I know I’ll have time the following day. I also set a time limit for each task, which helps break it down into smaller, more manageable segments, preventing it from feeling overwhelming. Minimizing distractions is key, so I put my phone in another room and close my laptop, removing any temptation. I’ve learned to celebrate even the smallest accomplishments—like organizing a kitchen utensil drawer and cleaning out the crumbs—as every step forward is a win!”
“I’ve learned to celebrate even the smallest accomplishments—like organizing…”
Rouba-“Number one thing for me to stay on task is to avoid multitasking and tackle one thing at a time. I have to stay focused on the job that I’m doing. Another one is to establish a to-do list, follow it as much as possible, and create deadlines as they help prioritize what you are working on. Eliminate distractions to be productive, and take little breaks if necessary.”
Michelle-“A key to staying productive is making time for breaks so you don’t get overwhelmed. Set an alarm on your phone, and when it goes off, walk away from your project and do something else. When you return to your project, you will feel refreshed and ready to begin again. I also find that it is helpful to work with a friend or family member. You can rely on each other to tackle the project together and have fun in the process.”
When you return to your project, you will feel refreshed and ready to begin again.
Lori– “I stay on task and productive by writing lists at night for the next day of tasks I need to do. I prioritize my list by the things I need to make sure I take care of right away. I also set the alarm on my phone for the most important tasks so I have a reminder. Sometimes, I’ve been distracted by unimportant daily interruptions, and having an alarm helps me stay on track.”
Ann-“My tip for being productive is to use a timer. Pick a task and set a timer for 15 minutes. You will be amazed at how focused you will be (it’s like a race with yourself). It also helps you realize how much you can accomplish in such a short period of time. That way, in the future, when you don’t think you have enough time, you will know what you can do in 15 minutes.”
Sue-“Limit distractions and make a list. I am most productive when I can see the tasks I need to accomplish written down on paper. Then, I can move towards checking them off. Also a closed door to my office allows for uninterrupted time and minimizes distractions.”
Share with us your favorite productivity tips below in the comments.
for more information, contact Janet Schiesl.