Debbie Smith
Keep Your Stuff Simple

One man’s junk may be another man’s treasures, but more and more, your treasures are becoming your children’s junk.
Many folks hold onto ‘stuff’, memories tied tightly around it, saving it for the kids. Be assured, they don’t want it. You may have closets, attics, and garages full of family memories you’re sure your kids will want some day. The china sets? The silver? Various memorabilia? Nope, they do not want it.
One of the best gifts you can give your kids while you’re alive is downsizing your stuff before they have to. They have their own stuff; they’re working, raising kids, and not only do they do not want your stuff, they don’t have time to go through it.
Take the time today to downsize and simplify your possessions; go through these things together with your kids and cherish the memories. Give with warm hands the jewelry, photos, or special items the kids may want. For the rest of it, hold onto the memories, but give away, recycle, repurpose or donate ‘stuff’ now. You will enjoy the walk down memory lane as you do this, and your kids will thank you!
For more information contact Debbie Smith.