Janet Schiesl
Basic Organization
August 18, 2021
You want your kids to be organized. But you need it to be easy and fast and fun! It’s important for children to manage their own things. By giving them responsibility for their toys, clothes, and rooms you teach them essential life skills. This is a broad subject, so we’ll focus on tips you can use to make your life easier and your kid’s toys and books more organized.

- Store small toys in see-through bins that are an appropriate size for your kids to carry.
- Sort items of the same type into bins.
- Communicate where things belong with labels.
- Use container size as the limit for that type of item.
- Apply the one-in-one-out rule to cull the number of toys.
- Never keep the box from a toy separate from the toy itself.
- Make it easy for preschoolers to put books away by housing them in bins.
- Store books for older children on shelves.
- Make putting things away as easy as taking them out.
- Model the behavior that you want from your children.
You want your kids to be organized. But you need it to be easy and fast and fun!
Hope you enjoyed these tips on organizing your kids, here are similar posts, with general kid’s organizing tips, and tips for organizing kid’s bedrooms.
For more information, contact Janet Schiesl.