Janet Schiesl
Basic Organization
June 7, 2021
How to get going on a task. If you are always doing things at the last minute, you are not alone. Many people have trouble getting motivated to start tasks. Large or small, homework, chores, or job responsibilities – getting started on all these can stress you out.

To help you with options to move forward, here are 10 tips to get you going.
- Evaluate whether the task is something you really value. Maybe it’s something that someone else asked of you and may not important to you.
- Imagine yourself doing and completing the task. Seeing the outcome may motivate you.
- Chunking. It means to break down your task into smaller, more doable pieces. It won’t seem so overwhelming then.
- Make action items. In addition, make a list of the tasks you want to accomplish and use verbs at the beginning of each item.
- Get it in your planner. Prioritize each task on your calendar and schedule enough time to do it, you are more likely to succeed.
- Use post-it notes to remind yourself of the tasks to complete. A little reminder never hurt.
- Be accountable to someone else. For instance, reporting to someone who will support your work and not criticize your efforts will be a great motivator.
- Look at what is getting in your way. If you have tried everything and still struggle, examine if outside (or inside) forces are getting in your way.
- Get help. Working with a friend will motivate you to move forward. Making any activity more social can add to the experience.
- Finally, plan a reward at the completion of a task. Make it small, but fun.
For more information, contact Janet Schiesl.